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Report: Laying the groundwork for artificial intelligence to advance public health in Canada

Photo by Nick Morrisson/Unsplash 'Editorial, Business & Work, Back To School'

The report launch event took place on May 22nd 2024. Please check back soon for the report response and Q&A from the event. 

This report is based on the discussion and findings from a workshop organized by AI4PH and Statistics Canada that took place in October, 2023.

The 2023 workshop focused on creating connections and understanding around national data, artificial intelligence (AI) and public health. Workshop participants were from the national agencies working on public health (Statistics Canada, the Public Health Agency of Canada, Health Canada and the Canadian Institution of Health Information). Workshop themes include data availability, linkage and standards, modern analytical infrastructure, building capacity for AI work, collaboration between organizations, community engagement and the importance of considering bias and equity in AI applications for public health.

The workshop was funded by the CIHR Planning and Dissemination Grants through the Institute of Community Support competition.

This report includes an executive summary and recommendations, a detailed outline of the workshop sessions, discussion of alignment between academic and government perspectives, the workshop method, and a synopsis of attendee discussions. 

Seminar Series (FORTHCOMING)

The national organizations (Statistics Canada, Public Health Agency of Canada, Health Canada and the Canadian Institute of Health Information) involved in this project have expressed an interest in continuing and expanding the conversation around the creation and use of AI technologies more broadly. As a result, we will be hosting a limited-run seminar series, with each organization presenting between May 2024 and December 2024.

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AI4PH is focused on building capacity in AI and big data skills for transformative change in addressing population and public health challenges, and understanding how these tools impact health equity.


155 College St, 6th Floor
University of Toronto,
Toronto, ON M5T 3M7


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